15 more days to go.
I was mauled today by giant grizzly no on prop 8 supporters. I really thought my life was over. I was forced to debate yes on 8 in government class and when a few scriptures came into the mix, right away people were yelling, "just because it was written a book doesn't mean its true" & "just because you believe in god doesn't mean everyone else does!" & "god didn't write that book, people did so how do even know your 'god' is real?" I kept saying over in my head forgive them father for they do not know. I can't believe the majority of people that don't have meaningful relationships with god. That really stings.
Dylan brown decided to give me the nastiest cut ever today by closing my locker door on my arm. it looks kind of like this.
Ryan Adams and The Cardinals "Fix It" Live on Letterman